a Publications | Intuitive Computing Laboratory



Amama Mahmood, Junxiang Wang, Bingsheng Yao, Dakuo Wang, and Chien-Ming Huang
User Interaction Patterns and Breakdowns in Conversing with LLM-Powered Voice Assistants
Journal: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS)


Drew Prinster, Amama Mahmood, Suchi Saria, Jean Jeudy, Cheng Ting Lin, Paul H Yi, and Chien-Ming Huang
Care to Explain? AI Explanation Types Differentially Impact Chest Radiograph Diagnostic Performance and Physician Trust in AI
Journal: Radiology

Micol Spitale, Maria Teresa Parreira, Maia Stiber, Minja Axelsson, Neval Kara, Garima Kankariya, Chien-Ming Huang, Malte Jung, Wendy Ju, and Hatice Gunes
ERR@ HRI 2024 Challenge: Multimodal Detection of Errors and Failures in Human-Robot Interactions
Workshop: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI'24)

Catalina Gomez, Junjie Yin, Chien-Ming Huang, and Mathias Unberath
How large language model-powered conversational agents influence decision making in domestic medical triage contexts
Journal: Frontiers in Computer Science

Tsung-Chi Lin, Juo-Tung Chen, and Chien-Ming Huang
Reducing Performance Variability and Overcoming Limited Spatial Ability: Targeted Training for Remote Robot Teleoperation
Conference: 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'24)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 47%

Amama Mahmood and Chien-Ming Huang
From Our Lab to Their Homes: Learnings from Longitudinal Field Research with Older Adults
Workshop: AAAI Fall Symposium Series 2024 on AI for Aging in Place

Victor Nikhil Antony and Chien-Ming Huang
ID. 8: Co-Creating visual stories with Generative AI
Journal: ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS)

Amama Mahmood and Chien-Ming Huang
Gender Biases in Error Mitigation by Voice Assistants
Journal: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW'24)

Shiye Cao, Anqi Liu, and Chien-Ming Huang
Designing for Appropriate Reliance: The Roles of AI Uncertainty Presentation, Initial User Decision, and User Demographics in AI-Assisted Decision-Making
Journal: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW'24)

Maia Stiber, Micol Spitale, Hatice Gunes, and Chien-Ming Huang
Social Signal Modeling in Human-Robot Interaction
Workshop: Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI'24)

Victor Nikhil Antony and Chien-Ming Huang
Designing Social Robots that Engage Older Adults in Exercise: A Case Study
Workshop: 2024 HRI Workshop for Aging in Place

Ulas Berk Karli, Juo-Tung Chen, Victor Antony, and Chien-Ming Huang
Alchemist: LLM-Aided End-User Development of Robot Applications
Conference: The Proceedings of 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI'24)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 24.9%

Maia Stiber, Yuxiang Gao, Russell Taylor, and Chien-Ming Huang
Forging Productive Human-Robot Partnerships Through Task Training
Journal: ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI)


Gopika Ajaykumar, Gregory D Hager, and Chien-Ming Huang
Curricula for teaching end-users to kinesthetically program collaborative robots
Journal: Plos one

Gopika Ajaykumar, Kaitlynn Taylor Pineda, and Chien-Ming Huang
Older adults’ expectations, experiences, and preferences in programming physical robot assistance
Journal: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS)

Irene Kim, Ehsan Azimi, Peter Kazanzides, and Chien-Ming Huang
Active Engagement with Virtual Reality Reduces Stress and Increases Positive Emotions
Conference: IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 32%

Juo-Tung Chen and Chien-Ming Huang
Forgetful Large Language Models: Lessons Learned from Using LLMs in Robot Programming
Workshop: AAAI Fall Symposium on Unifying Representations for Robot Application Development

Shiye Cao, Catalina Gomez, and Chien-Ming Huang
How Time Pressure in Different Phases of Decision-Making Influences Human-AI Collaboration
Journal: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction

Shiye Cao, Shichang Ke, Yanyan Mo, Anqi Liu, and Chien-Ming Huang
Eyes are the Windows to AI Reliance: Toward Real-Time Human-AI Reliance Assessment
Workshop: CHI'23 Workshop on Trust and Reliance in AI-Human Teams

Maia Stiber, Yuxiang Gao, Russell H. Taylor, and Chien-Ming Huang
Forging Productive Human-Robot Partnerships Through Task Training
Journal: ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction

Carlos Aguirre*, Shiye Cao*, Amama Mahmood, and Chien-Ming Huang
Crowdsourcing Thumbnail Captions: Data Collection and Validation
Journal: ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
[paper] | *equal contribution

Gopika Ajaykumar and Chien-Ming Huang
Older Adults' Task Preferences for Robot Assistance in the Home
Workshop: AAAI Workshop on User-Centric Artificial Intelligence for Assistance in At-Home Tasks

Victor Antony*, Sue Min Cho*, and Chien-Ming Huang
Co-Designing with Older Adults, for Older Adults: Robots to Promote Physical Activity
Conference: The Proceedings of 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI'23)
[paper] | [supplementary materials] | acceptance rate: 25.3% | *equal contribution

Ulas Berk Karli*, Shiye Cao*, and Chien-Ming Huang
"What If It Is Wrong": Effects of Power Dynamics and Trust Repair Strategy on Trust and Compliance in HRI
Conference: The Proceedings of 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI'23)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 25.3% | *equal contribution

Maia Stiber, Russell H. Taylor, and Chien-Ming Huang
On Using Social Signals to Enable Flexible Error-Aware HRI
Conference: The Proceedings of 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI'23)
[paper] | [supplementary materials] | acceptance rate: 25.3%


Catalina Gomez, Mathias Unberath, and Chien-Ming Huang
Mitigating Knowledge Imbalance in AI-Advised Decision-Making Through Collaborative User Involvement
Journal: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

Haomin Chen, Catalina Gomez, Chien-Ming Huang, and Mathias Unberath
Explainable Medical Imaging AI Needs Human-Centered Design: Guidelines and Evidence from a Systematic Review
Journal: npj Digital Medicine

Amama Mahmood and Chien-Ming Huang
Effects of Rhetorical Strategies and Skin Tones on Agent Persuasiveness in Assisted Decision-Making
Conference: The Proceedings of 2022 ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA'22)
[paper] | [supplementary materials]

Maia Stiber, Russell H. Taylor, and Chien-Ming Huang
Modeling Human Response to Robot Errors for Timely Error Detection
Conference: The Proceedings of 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'22)
[paper] | [video]

Kapil Katyal*, Yuxiang Gao*, Jared Markowitz, Sara Pohland, Corban Rivera, I-Jeng Wang, and Chien-Ming Huang
Learning a Group-Aware Policy for Robot Navigation
Conference: The Proceedings of 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'22)
[paper] | *equal contribution

Shiye Cao and Chien-Ming Huang
Understanding User Reliance on AI in Assisted Decision Making
Journal: The Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW'22)
[paper] | [video]

Lawrence H. Kim, Veronika Domova, Yuqi Yao, Chien-Ming Huang, Sean Follmer, and Pablo Paredes
Robotic Presence: The Effects of Anthropomorphism and Robot State on Task Performance and Emotion
Journal: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)

Brittany F. Drazich, Qiwei Li, Nancy Perrin, Sarah L. Szanton, Ji Won Lee, Chien-Ming Huang, Michelle C. Carlson, Laura Samuel, Natalie Regier, George Rebok, and Janiece L. Taylor
The Relationship Between Older Adults' Technology Use, In-person Engagement, and Pandemic-related Mental Health
Journal: Aging & Mental Health

Amama Mahmood, Jeanie Fung, Isabel Won, and Chien-Ming Huang
Owning Mistakes Sincerely: Strategies for Mitigating AI Errors
Conference: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’22)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 24.7%

Carlos Aguirre, Amama Mahmood, and Chien-Ming Huang
Crowdsourcing Thumbnail Captions Using Time-Constrained Methods
Conference: ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interface (IUI’22)
[paper] | [video] | acceptance rate: 24.5%


Yuxiang Gao and Chien-Ming Huang
Evaluation of Socially-Aware Robot Navigation
Journal: Frontiers in Robotics and AI -- Human-Robot Interaction
[paper] | invited paper: Rising Stars in HRI

Catalina Gomez, Mathias Unberath, and Chien-Ming Huang
Knowledge Imbalance in AI-Assisted Decision-Making: Collaborating with Non-experts
Workshop: 2021 NeurIPS Workshop on Human-Centered AI

Amama Mahmood, Gopika Ajaykumar, and Chien-Ming Huang
How Mock Model Training Enhances User Perceptions of AI Systems
Workshop: 2021 NeurIPS Workshop on Human-Centered AI

Fanjun Bu and Chien-Ming Huang
Object Permanence Through Audio-Visual Representations
Journal: IEEE Access
[paper] | [video]

Gopika Ajaykumar, Maia Stiber, and Chien-Ming Huang
Designing User-Centric Programming Aids for Kinesthetic Teaching of Collaborative Robots
Journal: Robotics and Autonomous Systems
[paper] | [software] | [video]

Yuxiang Gao, Kapil Katyal, Jared Markowitz, I-Jeng Wang, and Chien-Ming Huang
Don't be Rude! Learning Group-aware Policies for Robot Navigation
Workshop: 2021 RSS Workshop on Social Robot Navigation

Gopika Ajaykumar and Chien-Ming Huang
Multimodal Robot Programming by Demonstration: A Preliminary Exploration
Workshop: 2021 RSS Workshop on Accessibility of Robot Programming and the Work of the Future

Gopika Ajaykumar, Annie Mao, Jeremy Brown, and Chien-Ming Huang
FACT: A Full-body Ad-hoc Collaboration Testbed for Modeling Complex Teamwork
Workshop: 2021 ICRA Workshop on Social Intelligence in Humans and Robots

Gopika Ajaykumar, Maureen Steele, and Chien-Ming Huang
A Survey on End-User Robot Programming
Journal: ACM Transactions on Computing Survey

Julia Oppenhein, Jindan Huang, Isabel Won, and Chien-Ming Huang.
Mental Synchronization in Human Task Demonstration: Implications for Robot Teaching and Learning
Conference LBR: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Late-Breaking Report (HRI’21 LBR)
[paper] | *equal contribution


Fanjun Bu and Chien-Ming Huang
Dataset: Audio-Visual Representations of Object Drops
Johns Hopkins University Data Archive, V1

Maia Stiber and Chien-Ming Huang
Not All Errors Are Created Equal: Exploring Human Responses to Robot Errors with Varying Severity
Conference LBR: ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction Late-Breaking Report (ICMI’20 LBR)
[paper] | [talk]

Ji Han*, Gopika Ajaykumar*, Ze Li, and Chien-Ming Huang
Structuring Human-Robot Interactions via Interaction Conventions
Conference: IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN’20)
[paper ] | [talk] | *equal contribution

Ehsan Azimi, Zhiyuan Niu, Maia Stiber, Nicholas Greene, Ruby Liu, Camilo Molina, Judy Huang, Chien-Ming Huang, and Peter Kazanzides
An Interactive Mixed Reality Platform for Bedside Surgical Procedures
Conference: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI’20)

Amama Mahmood
Robot Assisted 3D Block Building to Augment Spatial Visualization Skills in Children – An Exploratory Study
Master of Science in Engineering in Robotics (Robotics MSE) Essay. Johns Hopkins University

Chien-Ming Huang
Contextual Programming of Collaborative Robots
Conference: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII’20)
[paper] | invited paper

Kapil Katyal, Gregory Hager, and Chien-Ming Huang
Intent-Aware Pedestrian Prediction for Adaptive Crowd Navigation
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’20)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 42%

Gopika Ajaykumar and Chien-Ming Huang
User Needs and Design Opportunities in End-User Robot Programming
Conference LBR: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Late-Breaking Report (HRI’20 LBR)
[paper] | [talk]

Yeping Wang, Gopika Ajaykumar, and Chien-Ming Huang
See What I See: Enabling User-Centric Robotic Assistance Using First-Person Demonstrations
Conference: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI’20)
[paper] | [talk] | acceptance rate: 24%


Kapil Katyal, I-Jeng Wang, Gregory Hager, and Chien-Ming Huang
Intent-Aware Human Motion Prediction using Deep Generative Neural Networks
Workshop: Do Good Robotics Symposium

Barton Paulhamus, Edward Staley, Corban Rivera, Kapil Katyal, and Chien-Ming Huang
Amplified Control for Robotic Teleoperation
Workshop: Do Good Robotics Symposium

Yuxiang Gao and Chien-Ming Huang
Robot Programming by Situated Illustration
Workshop: Do Good Robotics Symposium

Amrita Krishnaraj
Designing Social Robots for Early Detection of Mental Heath Conditions
Master of Science in Engineering in Robotics (Robotics MSE) Essay. Johns Hopkins University

Aditi Ramachandran, Chien-Ming Huang, and Brian Scassellati
Toward Effective Robot-Child Tutoring: Intrinsic Motivation, Behavioral Intervention, and Learning Outcomes
Journal: ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems

Yuxiang Gao and Chien-Ming Huang
PATI: A Projection-based Augmented Table-Top Interface for Robot Programming
Conference: ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interface (IUI’19)
[paper] | [project page] | [talk] | acceptance rate: 25%


Brain Scassellati, Laura Boccanfuso*, Chien-Ming Huang*, Marilena Mademtzi*, Meiying Qin*, Nicole Salomons*, Pamela Ventola, and Frederick Shic
Improving Social Skills in Children with ASD Using a Long-Term, In-Home Social Robot
Journal: Science Robotics
[paper] | *equal contribution

Ehsan Azimi, Camilo Molina, Alexander Chang, Judy Huang, Chien-Ming Huang, and Peter Kazanzides
Interactive Training and Operation Ecosystem for Surgical Tasks in Mixed Reality
Workshop: OR 2.0 Context-Aware Surgical Theaters (MICCAI’18)

Aditi Ramachandran, Chien-Ming Huang, Edward Gartland, and Brian Scassellati
Thinking Aloud with a Tutoring Robot to Enhance Learning
Conference: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI’18)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 23%


Aditi Ramachandran, Chien-Ming Huang, and Brian Scassellati
Give Me a Break! Personalized Timing Strategies to Promote Learning in Robot-Child Tutoring
Conference: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI’17)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 24%


Sarah Strohkorb, Chien-Ming Huang, Aditi Ramachandran, and Brian Scassellati
Establishing Sustained, Supportive Human-Robot Relationships: Building Blocks and Open Challenges
AAAI Spring Symposium

Chien-Ming Huang and Bilge Mutlu
Anticipatory Robot Control for Efficient Human-Robot Collaboration
Conference: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI’16)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 25%


Chien-Ming Huang
Human-Robot Joint Action: Coordinating Attention, Communication, and Actions
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Thesis. Department of Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Chien-Ming Huang, Sean Andrist, Allison Sauppé, and Bilge Mutlu
Using Gaze Patterns to Predict Task Intent in Collaboration
Journal: Frontiers in Psychology -- Cognitive Science

Chien-Ming Huang, Maya Cakmak, and Bilge Mutlu
Adaptive Coordination Strategies for Human-Robot Handovers
Conference: Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (RSS’15)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 26%

Allison Sauppé and Chien-Ming Huang
Teaching Human-Robot Interaction Using the CSTA Recommendations
Workshop: HRI Education Workshop: How to design and teach courses in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI’15)

Allison Sauppé, Daniel Szafir, Chien-Ming Huang, and Bilge Mutlu
From 9 to 90: Engaging Learners of All Ages
Conference: ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE'15)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 36%


Chien-Ming Huang and Bilge Mutlu
Multivariate Evaluation of Interactive Robot Systems
Journal: Autonomous Robots

Chien-Ming Huang, Takamasa Iio, Satoru Satake, and Takayuki Kanda
Modeling and Controlling Friendliness for an Interactive Museum Robot
Conference: Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (RSS’14)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 32%

Chien-Ming Huang and Bilge Mutlu
Learning-based Modeling of Multimodal Behaviors for Humanlike Robots
Conference: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI’14)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 24%

Chien-Ming Huang and Bilge Mutlu
Modeling Human-Robot Interactions as Systems of Distributed Cognition
AAAI Fall Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI)


Chien-Ming Huang and Bilge Mutlu
The Repertoire of Robot Behavior: Enabling Robots to Achieve Interaction Goals through Social Behavior
Journal: Journal of Human-Robot Interaction (ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction)

Chien-Ming Huang and Bilge Mutlu
Modeling and Evaluating Narrative Gestures for Humanlike Robots
Conference: Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (RSS’13)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 30%

Bilge Mutlu, Allison Terrell, and Chien-Ming Huang
Coordination Mechanisms in Human-Robot Collaboration
Workshop: HRI Workshop on Collaborative Manipulation (HRI’13)

Chien-Ming Huang
Designing Effective Multimodal Behaviors for Robots: A Data-Driven Perspective
ACM on Interaction Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI’13)


Chien-Ming Huang and Bilge Mutlu
Robot Behavior Toolkit: Generating Effective Social Behaviors for Robots
Conference: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI’12)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 25%

Chien-Ming Huang
Generating Effective Social Behaviors for Robots
HRI Pioneers Workshop
acceptance rate: 28%

Chien-Ming Huang
Designing Effective Behaviors for Educational Embodied Agents
ACM/SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’12)
[paper] | acceptance rate: 23%

Prior to 2012

Chien-Ming Huang and Andrea L. Thomaz
Effects of Responding to, Initiating and Ensuring Joint Attention in Human-Robot Interaction
Conference: IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN’11)

Chien-Mign Huang
Joint Attention in Human-Robot Interaction
Master of Science (M.S.) Thesis. College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology

Chien-Ming Huang and Andrea L. Thomaz
Joint Attention in Human-Robot Interaction
AAAI Fall Symposium on Dialog with Robots